#heidiklum #janetcharlton
Heidi Klum chose the wrong outfit to wear on a double decker bus in New York. She was filming a scene for Germany’s Next Top Model with this season’s group of strangely attired aspiring young models. 5’ 10” Heidi was fine on the open air top floor of the bus but nearly whacked her head on the stairs and had to stoop on the lower level because her Louboutins were so high.
at’s why she will take the train next time…………
These rich dames that pay $800-$1000 for extremely high heel Louboutins deserve to have their head whacked….to get some sense into them. They had rather risk breaking an ankle than to be comfortable. Fi on them.
I don’t know Indy, I’d take them off her hands in a heartbeat.
how in the world do they walk in them?
Klum is very annoying.And when she was young she wasn’t famous or popular model at all.