
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Humanity has sunk to a new low. Jessica Simpson, still heartbroken over the loss of her dog Daisy to a coyote, has to put up with “pranksters” claiming to have found her missing dog alive. She offered a reward and an email address for information in the slim chance that her dog survived. Cruel people have been leaving messages that they found her dog but they’re all fake. How heartless and brutal can people be? She doesn’t need to be reminded of this tragedy. Jessica doesn’t deserve this – nobody does. Anyone who thinks this is funny should seriously have their head examined.

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  1. that’s not funny, no matter how stupid the person is. I hope she’s not answering the phone herself, and if its her ‘people’, they shouldn’t be telling her this stuff.

  2. The dog would still be alive if she’d have kept in on a leash and had the other end in control. She could have grabbed the dog back while chasing the wild animal away. She’s as dumb as a carrot.

  3. Reta – DUH – Jessica wasn’t even in the country when the dog was lost. She was in Europe and left the dog in the care of her mother, and the dog was snatched from the back yard of her parents’ home in the hills. Jessica Simpson may not be an intellectual genius but she does deserve a break here.

  4. ……………………………………….

  5. To see her without tons and tons of eye make-up and wearing bright red lipstick would be scary.

  6. I can’t stand this useless twit but she doesn’t deserve to have this happen. That dog meant everything to her and for people to compound her grief by playing such cruel jokes is sickening.

  7. Okay, she’s as dumb as a carrot AND so is her mom! First of all, IF they were in their own “back yard” and it’s all THAT “wild”…I repeat…keep your BELOVED TINY pet on a leash for it’s own safety! You can reel it in quickly and snatch it up! I have had to do just this with my own 5 pound dog when bigger loose dogs charged toward us. I jerked her back to me and swooped her into my arms, and DUH…she’s ALIVE! Whatta surprise! Carrots should NOT own pets, let alone have kids!

  8. Jessica was out of the country, doing a promotion. The dog was at the parents house. They live in a gated community without fencing in the rear yard. The mother took the dog out back so it could go to the bathroom. During this time the dog began chasing a squirrel away from the house. The mother was calling the dog back. Just then the coyote jumped out from behind a tree as the dog ran by. The coyote grabbed the dog by the neck and ran off with it. Obviously, the coyote was waiting for its chance.

    Too bad people are so cruel as to saying the found the dog.

    On a separate note: Jessica has some of the most fantastic breasts in Hollywood. If she lost some weight, she could be a real stunner once again.

  9. I think her singing voice sucks and consider it a miracle she is now somewhat of a star. However, with all the million$ she has made, I think she is basically unhappy – she can’t get a faithful man and it does take a long time to grieve over a lost pet. I had a pet years ago that literally saved my life and I still miss him terribly.

  10. Continued from above….He was a mix – english setter, cocker spaniel, etc, that turned out sooo cute and smart and just the right size. Yep, she will miss Daisy for a long time, more than she will miss any of the losers she has been with. She needs to play more hard-to-get.

  11. She doesn’t need to “play hard to get” she needs to play “I have a brain”…but I don’t think she’s ever played THAT game, or it’s obvious if she did she never won.

  12. Humanity is indeed taking a nosedive! You got Lindsay Blohag designing assistant for a experienced fashion designer, in spite of her having sticky fingers, and being and crackhead and alcoholic. Give Jessica a break? Jessica needs to give herself a break, and grow up and stop thinking people are against her, learn to think for herself and stop letting her parents meddling and ruining her intimate relationships. I guess she’ll get the message when she’s 50, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s still with her parents.

  13. Casonia sade logenberry..Two ladies tossed off of Hells kitchen and the reason is there actions did not match there words. Saying it and not doing it is away out the door. Put up or shut up! says:

    People just love there pets and to people without is just like a child and animals love you no matter what and you can be a mean person or really nice as long as you treat that pet with love and kindness that is something your always going to get back is love.

  14. Casonia sade logenberry..Two ladies tossed off of Hells kitchen and the reason is there actions did not match there words. Saying it and not doing it is away out the door. Put up or shut up! says:

    Cute little dog with its little nose and little toes and little lips blip,blip,blips and pets really care and are there throw thick and thin and until the end…They love you for life.

  15. I saw the dried booger fall out of his nose and onto his egg but I never said a word.

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