Photo Credit: Splash News

We liked Diablo Cody right away when we saw Juno – the movie she wrote. We liked her even more when she was outraged by the million dollar shoe story. It seems Stuart Weitzman presented her with some shoes to wear to the Oscars but he didn’t bother to mention that they were encrusted with a million dollars worth of diamonds. The next thing Diablo knew, the story about her wearing “million dollar” diamond shoes to the Oscars was all over the internet. She was livid- she felt like she was being USED for cheap publicity, and from what we can see, she didn’t wear the shoes, after all. Welcome to Hollywood.

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  1. Nice tat on her arm, I think I would have worn those shoes and something which cover up that tattoo.
    Whatever happened to CLASS ?

  2. The reason the ratings were so low: People want to see “stars”. Not the rich hollywood elite who THINK they are stars. Cover that nasty tat biatch.

  3. I’m a writer.
    I’d love to wear million-dollar, diamond incrusted shoes to the Oscars.
    Call me, Mr. Weitzman!

  4. I’m a writer.
    I’d love to wear million-dollar, diamond encrusted shoes to the Oscars.
    Call me, Mr. Weitzman!

  5. Glad she stood her ground. It’s so rare in hollywood to see a star refuse to be pimped out. I’m glad she wants to rest on her talents and not give a fuck about what anybody else says about her. So refreshing.

  6. I saw Juno, ok film but Oscar material? No way dude. We have seen many of these teen pregnancy flicks. Why did this one get pumped so hard for an Oscar? Diablo is clearly an ‘insider’.

  7. Everyone pimps for fashion in that town. Cody will come around. But those shoes were dowdy things. I wouldn’t have worn them either.

  8. Thought she came off incredibly pretentious and full of herself in interviews and instantly hated her and the movie. It’s this year’s “Miss Sunshine”, didn’t deserve one nomination. The movie’s an afterschool special.

  9. This is all Hollywood has to brag about for any successful movie with a newby star and a ex porn worker writer who make can a profit.

  10. She only came out against wearing the shoes after she was criticized about shilling for a designer. She knew all along what was going on.

  11. She’s a fraud and a one-hit wonder. She’ll go back to stripping in a couple of years.

  12. Look for agent’s offices to be flooded with crappy, non-literate scripts from strippers who think they’re artistes! Thanks a lot, Brook (a/k/a Diablo).

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