Attn: Mary J Blige: Daniel Day-Lewis picked up an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters from the University of Bristol this week. A Doctor of Letters is for scholars “with distinguished contributions to knowledge in the humanities.” Daniel, who has won two Oscars (“There Will Be Blood” and “My Left Foot,”) among many other awards, is the pride and joy of Bristol’s Old Vic Theater School which he attended for several years in the late 70’s.

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  1. Day-Lewis is the perfect example of the kind of people for whom these honors were intended. He is a superbly talented artist who has contributed to some of the most meaningful movies of the last 40 years.

    I am sure if Bristol U wanted to be like so many other universities, it could have found a wildly famous, “sexier” candidate for the honor. Kylie Minogue, Doctor of Letters???

  2. One of my favorite method actors! After watching “There Will Be Blood”, I’m having some Day-Lewis withdrawals. Also am intrigued he married Arthur Miller’s daughter.

  3. Yeah Sally, There Will Be Blood was a great movie and he was really terrific in it! But wonder how long it took them to talk him into the orange dress? And wonder what happens when you pull that ripcord on that mushroom on his head? Does it become gigantic and swallow his whole body up like a giant brown condom?

  4. This guy in the deerskin pants in The Last of the Mohicans . . . oh, and he’s a great actor too.

  5. I like that he’s an actor who studies his craft, turns in Oscar winning performances, and then gets the heck outta the spotlight to live a normal life. Good for him for being rewarded with a doctoral degree. He probably deserves it more than lots of idiot actors do.

  6. Yeah, he’s cool and all, but I didn’t buy him for a second in “Nine”. He was supposed to be a sexy superstud and instead he was skinny and bony and looked ill. Hardly sexy looking in my book. I just couldn’t believe that all these beautiful women would be throwing themselves at him like that. When he took his clothes off I almost barfed! Like a male Tori Spelling!

  7. You know Reta I hated him in Nine. He just seemed so out of place. I just think some actors dabble in big time productions because they are more lucrative, thus, affording them the luxury of choosing better roles. He reminds me of Johnny Depp who does big-budget flicks then works on much more interesting indy films.

  8. P.S. Reta, I hate you for putting the image of a naked Tori Spelling in my mind. Shame on you. Gross

  9. Argh!!!! Why did I check back on this post?

    The image of Tori Spelling topless! I just threw up a little in my mouth.

    Thanks Reta and Sally!!!

  10. Sebastian Reta started it. Anything Tori makes me lose my appetite.

  11. Back to Day-Lewis, I thought some women had a thing for sinewy guys with big noses because it meant that 1) they were well-endowed (a big schnoz being a better indicator than big feet), and 2) a big penis will look even bigger on a skinny guy.

    Just imaging how big Adrian Brody must be!!!

  12. It’s not his possible size that draws me to Daniel Day, Sebastian. I truly adore those who “own” their craft and are exceptional at it.

    That’s why I love method actors (except Brando). I once read that Daniel prepped for his Gangs of New York role by taking a job as a butcher, he also lived in a tent outside a Texas oilfield while filming There Will be Blood.

    He gets deep into a character so much so he refuses to talk to anybody including his family until filming is through. So I figure he must be quite the lover if he’s that passionate about his roles.

  13. Um noooooooo….
    Adrien Brody is all sorts of wrong. He looks like the greyhound from the Simpsons, Santa’s Little Helper! Think about it……..

  14. Sally, LOL. Even if the nose-penis connection were true, Brody would have to be the breaking point with a schnoz like that. If not, he would be permanently hunched and bow-legged.

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