Diana Ross


dianarosscut122806_01.jpgWe hear that the Academy of Motion pictures had the colossal nerve to ask Diana Ross to sing one of the nominated songs from Dreamgirls on the Oscar show. Are they out of touch or WHAT? First of all, when Diana was asked by Diane Sawyer what she thought of the movie, Diana replied ” I haven’t seen it – maybe I should see it with my lawyer.” The movie is based on the Supremes, but doesn’t focus on the “Diana” character. Mary Wilson, who loved the movie, predicted Diana might not like that. Plus, as Fox’s Roger Friedman pointed out , Diana recently released an album “I Love You” and sales are dismal. We can only IMAGINE what she thought when the Academy asked her to sing a Dreamgirls song. So far, no response.


Why would a big star like Diana Ross go to BEVERLY HILLS without a stitch of makeup on? What WAS she thinking? It’s not like she’s going to a supermarket in the valley. There are photographers around every corner in Beverly Hills. Hopefully she is striding purposefully toward the nearest beauty salon.

Bad Neighbor

It’s Sting‘s birthday today, but you can bet he still won’t invite Diana Ross to any parties. She upset her Malibu Colony neighbors when she got the gate guard fired because the guy was a big fan and had the nerve to ask her for an autograph. The neighbors, including Heather Locklear, Pam Anderson, Mel Gibson, and Sting, were not happy because they really liked the fellow, who had worked there a long time. Miss Ross is not particularly sociable with the people living near her and keeps to herself. Sting was especially outraged and he worked to get the guard rehired.

Picking Up The Tempo

2004: Boy George isn’t the first celebrity to clean the streets – Just a few years ago, Diana Ross along with another woman, both clad in orange vests and work clothes, were seen picking up trash in front of the Pavilions market in West Hollywood! The pair had a large trash can on wheels that they were pulling – it contained a broom, rake and poker to pick up papers. Community service Diana wore painter style jeans and a baseball cap with her massive hair tucked into a bandanna under the cap and big sunglasses. The women were chatting and Diana was mostly pointing out trash for the other girl to pick up. (Typical!) Eventually store employees – it’s a gay neighborhood -noticed her and came outside to stare, to Diana’s embarrassment.

Nicole Richie

2005: Nicole Richie is returning to The Simple Life, but she already has one eye on the bigscreen. According to a friend, Nicole really wants to reprise the role made famous by Diana Ross in the 1975 hit movie, Mahogany, – it’s about an aspiring ghetto girl who strikes it big in the fashion world. And Diana, who happens to be friendly with Nicole’s father Lionel Richie, thinks it’s a great idea. In fact, Diana has already agreed to re-record the movie’s soundtrack AND make an appearance in the film. Her friend says that Nicole is busy huddled with studio executives and hopes to secure the deal before the end of summer.