Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

At first glance it’s almost difficult to recognize Catherine Zeta-Jones. She’s looking slim and pretty – the rigors of Broadway where she’s appearing onstage in “A Little Night >Music “ is keeping her trim. She’s also probably worried about her husband Michael’s son Cameron and his drug charges.

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  1. Slim and pretty? she looks totally cadaverous, another victim of anorexia

  2. Her legs look like sticks and the boots look like size 10. BTW, why do the ultra-rich continually strive to make even more money? Maybe she wants to get away from Mike and Cameron’s troubles for a while, much like Katie Holmes needed a respit from the tiny terrible cruise-control.

  3. I would think they are used to Cameron’s troubles and not one bit surprised at what is going on now.

  4. I wonder how many diet pills these Hollywood “stars” go through on a daily basis. Looking like they do is NOT normal!!!

  5. I agree she looks too slim from what parts of her body are actually visable. She used to always be normal and healthy and beautiful looking, one of the most beautiful women in entertainment. Here, her legs look like Nicole Ritchie’s!!

  6. I agree w/ everyone else — she used to have just the right amount of curves. What has happened to her? She is wwwaaayyyy too skinny! EAT!!!!!

  7. She looks like hell. Always thought she was a phony, untalented wannabe.

  8. Another low life whore that married for money. She is a common street walker. In my days a woman would have never left her home looking like a dime store hooker.

  9. I think she is just tired of her old man who is constantly getting facial surgery. I believe she thinks every man is lusting after her and really likes their attention. Yet, she still enjoys being married to a mega-rich star. Oh, the problems of the rich and famous…..who needs ’em?

  10. I have such low respect for anyone who wears fur. These shallow monied people should be required to spend a day observing the horror and pain inflicted on the animals this superficial person supports by wearing these garments. I hope she is reincarnated multiple times as a mink. Shame on Catherine.

  11. she looks gaunt, hungry and anorexic..what the HELL is it with you people..the thinner the better??..but yet most people smoke..and god knows smoking is better then “looking normal”..because eventually that designer purse will be replaced by a oxygen attractive….my mother took that same route..smoked for years..but hey, she was thin…now she is dying from cancer because she smoked so much…yep…keep on gettin’ matter what the cost..

  12. Janet, I can’t believe you’re still doing this. What is WITH YOU??? You said CZJ looks “slim and pretty”, while you called Avril Lavigne PLUMP!! Why do you DO THIS to people??? CZJ looks AWFUL! Have you battled with eating disorders yourself? Because that could explain your very distorted sense of what’s “pretty” and what’s not.

    Please stop doing this to people. Please STOP it. People like YOU are the reason so many of these women are anorexic.

  13. Haha, “tiny terrible cruise control” was great!

    I think CZJ is way too thin now; I don’t know how she has the energy to do a show. Maybe people are on her to be thinner for the show? Or maybe with her schedule and the family stuff, she is too stressed to eat? That happens to people sometimes.

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