Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
Britney Spears was seen shopping on Melrose Avenue with this guy a few days ago and we wonder if anyone out there can identify him. Is he a boyfriend? A fashion expert? Hairdresser?
This just in: Astute readers identified the guy as music producer JR Rotem – and it’s strictly business!
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He is famous musis producer JR Rotem.
He is famous music producer JR Rotem.
He is music producer JR Rotem.He & Britney used to work/sleep together like several month ago.
Who cares?!?!
No, I don’t think Janet is embarrassing–I think YOU are! You can’t even spell.
You are obviously jealous of her, and covet her career.
No, I don’t think Janet is embarrassing–I think YOU are! You can’t even spell.
You are obviously jealous of her, and covet her career.
Nobody cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG. Really?? Janet, c’mon.
I am embarrassed for you…this was all over the place months ago. JR rotem even described their sex together to blender magazine.
who the heck is JR rotem? I wouldn’t recognize him with a hoodie draped over his head.
OH NO Britt!! Thisone is destined to fail. And you know why? (if you WANT to see it, you will) For instance, this sucker wants to be recognised in a crowd by his clothes, glasses and all. He loves the limelight(john delorean also). He died though “alone”.
pusher comes to mind
He carries mah cheeetos, y’all!
Hey CallItQuits – thanks for the link. Wheelbarrow style – that’s just TMI!!!
Are they having sinful pre-marital sexual intercourse?
Pre-marital hetrosexual intercourse is wrong. It is a sin.
He’s hawt. I’d suck his cock.
gee his clothes what are they and hers too?
Whatever happen to Paris Hilton ?
Now days all we see is Britney?
Wonder if she’s going to put out a musical and have it tied into to a motion picture on the likes of “The Magnificent Seven”!
You know, she’s got that Disney in her blood – so lets hope we don’t hear belting out hip hop rap crap, she’s much too refined for that and look at all the chumps who are already out there trying to get their tunes on the airwaves! If they had a brain they’d be uploading them on itunes for free.
That’s great idea about itunes and have your music upload for free!
Whole lot cheaper than sinking alot of money into CD’s and wondering if the tunes will fly.
Somebody call Yoko Ono and tell her about itunes.
And see if she’s still making those awful sounding records she had John cut for her.
This is Jack Meoffer. He is hung like a fricken horse and he also sells coke. A real catch for that girl!