Was anybody else delighted to learn that the kidnapper of three women in Cleveland, Ariel Castro, committed suicide in his cell? Actually there was no punishment suitable for a person who tortured, raped, and humiliated those women for ten long years. Keep in mind, he didn’t even acknowledge the magnitude of his crime. We’re happy that taxpayers don’t have to support this monster for the rest of his miserable life and think maybe rope should always be provided in their cells for criminals like him.
though I agree with you, I also would not have minded having him spend the rest of his life in solitary confinement.
Agree wholeheartedly. Where do we donate $$ to the rope fund??
How ironic that he wasn’t able to take being held against his will. The three women he kept didnt take the easy way out and kill themselves. Guess they’re stronger than he is.
It’s just somehow implausible that THREE women wouldn’t have gotten some chances in 10 loooong years to somehow make a break. How is it that they were able get to a window and make a call that one day and never at any other time? the story simply makes no sense.
Hi Miss Eva,
Your question is a good one if you’re unfamiliar with Stockholm Syndrome.
I suggest you read Jaycee Dugard’s memoir to learn about it… and also do some research on Battered Women’s Syndrome. A crazy but smart kidnapper can keep anyone, and I mean ANYONE, hostage. Here’s a link to get you started… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome
and here’s a link to The New York Times’ review of Jaycee’s book…http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/18/books/jaycee-dugards-stolen-life-18-years-of-abuse-review.html?_r=0
Janet, don’t agree. Life in prison with no parole was just. Guess he couldn’t take what he dished out. Bernie Maddox is still in denial for what he did, just as many other high profile criminals are in denial and serving time. Let them rot in prison. My portion of tax dollars votes for imprisionment.
well, he had a few problems………..agree.
How ironic that he couldn’t even last a month in prison after he subjected those women to 10 years of torture. Good riddance.
He deserved to be incarcerated and suffer for at least as long as he kept those poor women as slaves. While the world might be better off without this monster, he got off WAY too easy.
I couldn’t agree with you more “Maisie”!
Hilary – you are so right. These girls were young and traumatized by this man – terrorized. They had tried to escape and were faced with the cruel circumstances. Thank goodness for the day when he slipped up and allowed for their escape. This man was pure evil, and the world is a better place without him – believe me – he’s suffering in hell right now!
Agree with Justine. Yes, I’m glad he gone. Good f’ing riddance. Will save the taxpayers a bundle.
That guy was far to narcissistic to kill himself. Remember in his testimony he was deluded enough to believe he was a caring, loving father and caregiver and that they all were happy with the situation. The guards facilitated his exit.
Bravo Zulu, guards.
Patrick, I was wondering about that! Wouldn’t be surprised if you’re right!
don’t you folks know 2 things about prison: 1) no one in prison is guilty 2) God/Jesus lives in prison cause all prisoners find God in prison.