
Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

You can take the girl out of Hollywood, but you can’t take Hollywood out of the girl. Goldie Hawn is the quintessential California girl – even when she’s going out for the evening in New York City. In November, Manhattan females put away their sandals and break out the black cocktail dresses and tailored coats. Goldie’s glitzed up like she’s going to The People’s Choice Awards. But we’re not holding it against her, after all, she IS Goldie, and she still looks fetching.

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  1. CLASS? She’s been shacking up with her boyfriend for years, had a child out of wedlock and dresses like a 20 year old hooker! You call that CLASS? You must be from Hollyweird too!!

  2. long time ago she was HOT
    but time has stole away your beauty. come on goldie your a grandma act like one.

  3. we should all look that ‘hooker-ie’ when we are grandmothers. I won’t show my neck now and look how amazing she looks in that strapless dress. You all need to get reality checks! And PS, Goldie, please, NEVER act or dress like a ‘grandmother’! You go Goldie!

  4. A little nip and tuck here and there for sure, and lips definitely plumped up.
    Bangs and hair falling around her face, which makes anyone look better.
    The Almighty does not look with favor on ‘shacking up’; it’s called fornication. Read the Bible. Kate Hudson now has man probs; she should set a better example to her kids by getting hitched to Mr. Russell.

  5. I am lifting my martini class and toasting to Shacking up and Fornication!!! praise the Grey Goose!!!!!!!

  6. call me old fashioned by I am just a humble Old Testament girl sitting here ‘shackin’ up’ and ‘fornicatin’. I believe it actually commands me to that in the old testament. I think it’s commandment #11. Anyhoo, Janet this is my last posting. I will continue to read the site everyday, but I am done with all this negative hating… I am DONE! Janet I still love you.

  7. PS, as I sit here burning in hell, I have a slight feeling I might run into a few of you there, but don’t worry. you will be able to recoginze me, I’ll be in the corner with Sean Penn, an 8ball and some hookers. SEEYA

  8. out of wedlock? there are all kinds of families in this country. people need to get that leave it to beaver script out of their heads. wake up and smell the 21st century. her style isn’t my style but more power to her for staying true to herself.

  9. You’re right 6:37, there are “all kinds of families” in this country and other countries too. So what’s your point? That anything goes now days? Let’s just get rid of all those pesky morals and social rules and everybody just do what feels “true to ourselves”. That’s what’s going on in Hollywierd now and look at the consequences in people’s lives. The rules and guidelines in the Bible are to protect us from ourselves and when we don’t follow them, our lives are messed up.

  10. Goldie Hawn is a chain smoker. The only reason she looks like she does is because of plastic surgery. WAKE UP!


  12. Dear Anonymous at 3:56 and 7:11…
    If you have SUCH an aversion to “HOLLYWEIRD” (as you so judgmentally weighed in, in such a very un-Christian way dear), then why oh why are you reading and spending so much time commenting at “Janet Charlton’s HOLLYWOOD”?
    It’s not like the name of Janet’s blog DOESN’T clearly indicate in the actual title, that this is a website about celebrities in — HOLLYWOOD.

  13. Some of you heathens do not know (or care) that Jesus condemns fornication, adultery, homosexuality. For some, this is the only Bible lesson you have ever heard, so take heed. We are all sinners in some form or another and we all need His forgiveness. It is only when you are unrepentant and continue in these life-styles that is so dangerous; i.e.: if you die in your sin without being saved, you will be cosigned to the Lake of Fire forever. I am not the author of the Holy Bible. OK, now you can give me lots of “this is the 21st century” comebacks.

  14. She’s a originally a Jersey girl.
    She’s a Buddhist.
    She’s an Icon.
    Really, don’t you own any other books??

  15. I don’t care if it is plastic. She looks great. If I had her money I would have a few nip and tucks. Wish I looked like that now let alone at 60

  16. O.K.,
    I really don’t think she looks THAT bad.
    People from the East know that it has been really WINDY & cold; therefore, unless you have applied A TON of hairspray, the minute you step out of a car your hairdo is over…
    The dress…I’ve seen worse, the shoes are a bit of a no-no…but overall, Goldie is what she is & always has been.

  17. Goldie Hawn is and always has been beautiful. She is also one of the most powerful, respected women in the film industry. She has lived with humor, grace and charm, and is always humble and entertaining.

  18. Goldie is a special, talented and wonderful person. She always appears in candid photos smiling, laughing, or hugging her children. She supports her family, and donates her time and money to worthy causes. Why in the world you direct anger or hate toward her? There are millions of people worthy of your disdain – try getting focused on one of them!

  19. Goldie is a special, talented and wonderful person. She always appears in candid photos smiling, laughing, or hugging her children. She supports her family, and donates her time and money to worthy causes. Why in the world would you direct anger or hate toward her? There are millions of people worthy of your disdain – try getting focused on one of them!

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