#justinbieber #janetcharlton
Let’s give the late photographer Chris Guerra credit where credit is due. He was following of Justin Bieber’s car when he was accidentally fatally struck by another vehicle while crossing the street. At the time Chris said he had seen Justin smoking pot and was pursuing the lucrative story – he wanted a photo of him doing so. When Chris was killed, Bieber’s people stepped forward and snarled that Chris was “a liar.” Oh, really! Well, who’s the liar now? It turns out Chris Guerra was RIGHT! Justin IS a pot-head and HE’s the liar. Selena Gomez dumped him just in time. Rest in peace, Chris.
Yes, Guerra was right, but what good does it do him now? What a shame to lose your life over something as lame as Justin Beiber. RIP Chris Guerra.
I don’t think Selena has dumped him, or vice versa. I think I read they are still hooking up off and on. He should try to keep her, as there are very few shorter than him. He is basically a sarcastic, self-absorbed little squirt and it’s time for his star to fall and fall fast. He really can’t handle his fame very well.
I hope she stays away from him but I have heard they hook-up occasionally.
What a price he paid.
So stalker, jaywalking, rat, pap killed while trying to expose for profit Justin for the dirty little pot smoking shit he is! Justin shouldn’t leave his yard.
Does that sound right?
………..punnish the boy, folks!!
Obnoxious little shit. Thinks he’s cool with his hat on backwards, his saggy pants to emulate prison bound blacks. An absolute waste of space. Talentless in the extreme!
Frankly, I feel sorry for the celebrities… when people decide to make it their career to stalk famous people, then I truly wonder who has the issues. I’m not a Bieber fan, could care less about him, but c’mon, it’s just pot!!!
Guerra lied because he said Bieber smoked in his Ferrari just before his death
Why is everyone from Canada such a douchebag?
What jimjam said. Exactly.
Must be that very successful, free healthcare system, a handle on their finances and debt and gun control.
Let’s not forget the rear guard action Canadian soldiers fought on D.Day to get the pinned down, scared shitless, five years late to the European theatre war American forces off of Omaha beach. That’s after quickly overrunning the heavily defended German positions on the Canadian beachfronts of Sword and Juno. A fact glossed over and forgotten by the American film industry.
Douchebag, Canadians, indeed.
You’re wrong. Chris thought he saw Justin smoking earlier in the day.